Use a For Sale Board on EVERY Listing
The humble, roadside "For Sale" board has been a staple of estate agent marketing for well over a century.
They might be seen as the oldest, most traditional form of marketing for estate agents but the For Sale board continues to be a key part of your marketing.
We strongly recommend you implement a policy to use a "For Sale" board at every take on.
"But that's not possible/realistic/achievable” we hear you cry!
“Some clients don't want/like to have a For Sale board”
We hear your concerns and we know there are always exceptions, but here's the thing, a For Sale board is:
your most important marketing tool!
Your most cost-effective form of advertising
The key to your strategic marketing strategy
Your most effective way of engaging with prospective clients
A For Sale board isn't just something to be dismissed, forgotten about or left to your customer to decide upon, it's too important to you.
No other business is able to advertise their service at the precise location of delivery. A well designed sign will automatically raise your presence, build customer recognition, showcase your range and demonstrate your success.
Other businesses pay thousands of pounds to erect high quality adverts and still rarely have the opportunity to display them wherever and whenever they operate. When integrated with our simple sales strategy, your cost effective, for sale board advertising is guaranteed to make the biggest impact.
Being strategic with your for sale boards multiplies their value. Have you ever thought about exactly where your dream listings would be, your ideal home style and customer type? We can show you how to use For Sale boards to target your ideal listings and customers.
For Sale boards get people talking, searching for you and, if you have the right strategy in place, begin a journey of engagement with your agency.
We hear so many estate agents ask their customers whether they want a For Sale board - this is completely the wrong approach to take. You should be telling your customers that a For Sale board is an integrated part of your service, make the inclusion of a board your default position, for every single take on.
You know nearly all your customers want to negotiate your rates or seek a discount, so here's the approach we recommend;
Present your service and your pitch and when the inevitable conversation about costs is concluded, confirm that a for sale board will be erected in the next couple of days. If your client questions the presence of a For Sale Board, explain to them that it's a fundamental part of your marketing strategy for their home, intrinsic to the process of succesfully marketing it and part of the deal you've just agreed. If necessary explain you'll need to re-negotiate if you can't erect a For Sale board because it's so important to the overall process.
We know from experience that, once explained and put in the context of the overall marketing process, most home sellers will readily agree to a For Sale board being displayed at their property.
Don't take For Sale Boards for granted or imagine they're outdated, the simplest form of advertising, regardless of the business, is usually the most effective and economical.
Quickly assess the effectiveness of your marketing and receive free marketing advice by completing our on-line marketing audit Now here